1 先看看官方中英文doc:
Istatistica 3 0 3. 1.1 permute(dims)
1、主要作用:变换tensor维度 example: import torch x = torch.randn(2, 3, 5) print(x.size) print(x.permute(2. Dims: Tuple of integers.Permutation pattern does not include the samples dimension. Indexing starts at 1. For instance, (2, 1) permutes the first and second dimensions of the input. Use the keyword argument inputshape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model.
参数: - __dims__ (int .*) - 换位顺序
1.2 permute(*dims) → Tensor
Permute the dimensions of this tensor.
Parameters: *dims (int.) – The desired ordering of dimensions
2 pytorch permute的使用
2.1 transpose与permute的异同
Tensor.permute(a,b,c,d, .):permute函数可以对任意高维矩阵进行转置,但没有 torch.permute() 这个调用方式, 只能 Tensor.permute():
torch.transpose(Tensor, a,b):transpose只能操作2D矩阵的转置,有两种调用方式;
2.2 permute函数与contiguous、view函数之关联
contiguous:view只能作用在contiguous的variable上,如果在view之前调用了transpose、permute等,就需要调用contiguous()来返回一个contiguous copy; 7bit casino bonus code.
How to play blackjack online for real money. 判断ternsor是否为contiguous,可以调用torch.Tensor.is_contiguous()函数:
另:在pytorch的最新版本0.4版本中,增加了torch.reshape(),与 numpy.reshape() 的功能类似,大致相当于 tensor.contiguous().view(),这样就省去了对tensor做view()变换前,调用contiguous()的麻烦; Password vault manager 6 2 0 0 download.
3 permute与view函数功能demo
利用函数 permute(2,0,1) 可以把 Tensor([[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]]) 转换成:
如果使用view(1,3,2) 可以得到:
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